Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Advent Exchange

These are some of the goodies that Lisa Feltman has sent me for our Advent Exchange. There are some really cute little kits to stitch up, some cool knitting needles (for my other passion), a bath towel to stitch, a nice smelling candle in a cute glass holder, some pretty aida fabric, 3 nice colors in DMC, and the pretty Christmas towels it is all on top of. It has been so much fun opening a gift every day! Thank you again Lisa! The yahoo group that we are in is 'ChattyStitchers' This is my first Advent exchange and I hope to do more during the year.
I am working feverishly on Little House FaLaLa. Trying to finish before it becomes ones of my UFO's LOL

And on a non-stitchy note...I certainly hope 2010 is a better one. We have had such a bad year that everyday we wake up and wonder what is going to happen today! We (DH & I) literally have been dealing with problems on a daily basis for the past two months! I won't go into details because it won't help to blab about it anyway and this is the Christmas season and we are supposed to be happy! At least we are still employed, even thought DH is on part time basis now. That's more than some people and I pray for all those unfortunate ones. Boy we are really trying to smile! At least my stitching and knitting keeps my mind from going to the dark side! LOL

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Carolyn NC said...

Love the Advent exchange. Hope 2010 is a much better year for you. :)

Janaina said...

Just love Advent Calendars swaps! So much fun from them! =)
Wishing you a terrific 2010! Fingers crossed and hang in there, girl: everything is gonna be better soon!
Big hug from sunny Brazil.


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