And....due to all the excitment in the past few days I was not able to pick names for my PIF! So here's Holly & me picking names. Well, she was looking where the food went because this is her dinner bowl.
Holly only wanted to eat the paper strips so my DS picked the names for me. Thanks Daniel, who was camera shy tonight, but I'll get him LOL . The winners are.....
(Farmgirl: please send me your email address) I will e-mail the winners to let them know and to get snail mail addys.
So in 365 days or less I will send you ladies something stitchy, since I'm going to be super duper busy, I might not have time to create something but I'll make sure it's totally special!!!
There's a sneak picture of my DS (Daniel), just the best son anyone could have!
Got him while he was involved playing a video game with his cousin, Rick, who is in the Air Force right now in Utah. It's just great how we can stay close even while away from home.
Congratulations on your new venture! I hope it is a huge success!!
That's exciting! I went to Helen's when I lived in San Pedro in 2002. Good luck with it!
That is so wonderful. Congratulations on your new adventure...
Now don't keep more of the stock then you sell...
I know I would have difficulties. LOL
Good Luck
That is so exciting! I wish you the best of luck with everything--can't wait to see some pictures of your newest venture...
Congratulations and bidding you much success.
Many prayers to you and your new business.
I hope all goes well for you.
Have a blessed day.
Congratulations on your new business. I hope it is successful.
Love the photos of Holly.
That is wonderful news, congratulations!
Good luck with your new venture.
Congratulations!! Keep us posted on everything! You are living my dream! hee hee..
Congrats Cindy that is awesome :) Let me guess your DS is playing WOW lol
Congratulations on your business. It takes a lot of inner strength to do that. May god bless your business and your family prosper. We only live once follow your dream.
Congratulations on our new endeavor. I'm so jealous - I always wanted to open my own shop. But I'll just come visit yours - my sister lives near Torrance, so I'll have a place to visit when I get there.
Congrats on your new stitching store!! :)
Oh wow! Congratulations. It is a dream of mine to one day have a store but I'm afraid mine is nowhere in the near future. Good luck!!!!
That is awesome news. Congrats!
Congratulations! I would love to open a stitching store. I wish you lots of success!
Holly, thank you for drawing out your mommy's friend's name, and please thank your mommy for having the drawing in the first place. Your big brother sounds like a neat person!
Suzzane (who just emailed your mommy my snailmail address)
Congrats Mom!! Yay!! Can't wait to help you with the new adventures!
Congrats on the new store. That has always been a dream of mine too but for now will have to encourage you in your dream
Congratulations & best of luck Cyndi.
Wow! What a big leap in life. I hope you new venture is very successful. If you get internet sales, I'd be interested in being on the newsletter mailing list.
How awesome - best wishes and congratulations!
Major congratulations! You made the dream that many stitchers have come true for yourself. I wish you a lot of success with your new business.
Your blog is magnificent and your dog I like
Best regards of France
Congratulations on the new business and goodluck!!
How exciting!!! I come down to Southern Cal a lot! Once you get the store up and running, I'll stop by on one of our trips!! Congrats on the new endeavor!!!
Congrats and Good Luck on your new venture !!!!!
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