Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My First Award!!

I received this very nice award today from Meari. THANK YOU MEARI! THIS IS MY VERY FIRST AWARD! It's so nice to know people are reading my blog. I just love the comments I've gotten on all of my posts.
And now for the rules (I'll just copy Meari's because she stated it so well):

The rules are simple:

1) Accept the award. I gladly accept!

2) Thank the person who gave you the award Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!

3) Add a link to the person who gave you the award. See link above

4) Put the award on your blog. See above in case you missed it   LOL

5) Write 10 things about yourself others might not know about you. Hmmmm, see below

6) Pass the award on to 10 others. Find 10 well deserving people

10 Special things about Cyndi:

1) I just purchased a needlework store and I am in the process of re-opening it :)
2) My DH's nickname for me is  "Love" . And today is our 8th anniversary!!!
3) My first car was a 64 T-Bird and I still miss it.
4) I love ice cream almost as much as cross stitch
5) My vocal cords are paralyzed so I have a funny voice
6) I love sailing on my brothers' boats
7) I love margarita's 

8) I went on my sister's honeymoon with her (along with the rest of the family) to Maui
9) This is the first time in my whole life I haven't had a kitty :(
10) I am very fussy about where I eat. No fast food chairs for me! Ambiance is everything!

And now 10 lucky people:
1) Kathy (Kathy's Stitching and Other Comments)
2) Terri Terri's Cooking Fun)
3) Marjorie (The Pumpkin Patch Stitcher)
4) Nicky (Farm Girl Stitching)
5) Linda (Linda's Creativity Works)
6) Rene (Rene la Frog's Ramblings)
7) Janaina (Stitcher in the Green Bikini)
8) Lynda (A Cozy Little Place for Stitching)  
9) Teresa (Quiet and Relaxation)
10) Dawn (Golden Angels Works)


Marjorie said...

Thanks Cyndi! This is my first award as well. Congrats on the store too--I will definitely come by to visit when you get it up and running!

lynda said...

Thanks for the award Cyndi! I'll post about it later today (I'm at work now...don't tell!)

Rene la Frog said...

Thank you for the award Cyndi. Now I'll have to think about what 10 things people don't know about me.


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