Friday, March 19, 2010

Stitchy Store Update but no stitching :(

This has been an exhausting week for me & DH. It was was filled everyday by 8 hrs of regular work then going to the needlework store to pack it up until about 10 pm every nite. Such hard work but it will be worth it in the end. (I hope). My DH won't even let me lift a box due to my back condition. But I sneak some little ones in while he's not looking. LOL.  Yesterday as I took a break, I was glancing through some of the old booklets and charts she had. I found leaflets and charts for knitting & crochet in books dated 1931, 1932, 1935!! They were in great condition too. People in those days used to dress so elegantly. My idea of getting dressed up is ironing my jeans! LOL I wonder if anyone would want to buy these? I'll post them on ebay someday as see what happens.

And this weekend my brother & I are driving up to see my Mom who is declining quickly. I'm not looking forward to this trip at all. I don't want to see her this way and I don't think she will know who we are. She will not be able to go back home to her house because now she needs constant medical care.
And a good friend of our family died a few days ago. We all grew up together, so this was really a shock.
He was only 49, I believe. They live in the same area where my brother & I are going so we will stop by to see them also.
Well, back to work. I still need that paycheck so off I go.


GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Prayers for you to be able to deal well seeing your mom.
You better be careful picking up boxes.

Deb said...

I would definitely post your finds on Ebay. One man's trash is another man's treasure and you may be surprised at what they bring. Take care of your back lifting those boxes.

Nicky said...

All the very best wishes to you for your journey this weekend, hope you have some nice time with your family.
Hugs, Nicky

Mel said...

So sorry to hear about the loss. That is never fun.

I agree with the others, do be careful with those boxes!

Wow, 1935, that is a long time ago. but I bet there is someone that would love them still.

Carolyn NC said...

So sorry to hear about your mom and friend. Will keep you in thought and prayers. Take care.


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