Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I Need Help Deciding!

My DS is getting married on New Years Eve (see the previous post of engagement, he proposed to her on the Goodyear Blimp) and I need really help deciding which outfit to wear. I bought a dress and I bought 2 jackets to wear with it but I can't decide on which one. The light weight vintage one is really cute and dressy and black velvet one will be warm and will hide most of my 'flaws' LOL The wedding is outside at nighttime. So if anyone can help me decide, I'd really appreciate it! I'm so bad at choosing clothes. I'll post pictures from the wedding on New Years Day.
We have been busy with preparations and planning parties to welcome the new bride into our family. She is such a sweet girl, I am lucky to have such a nice, compassionate person as my first daughter-in-law.


A Busy Stitcher said...

I love the second jacket best, and I think it will keep you warm the best!!!

Miche said...

Hi hun congrats to your ds hope you all have a fab day :), both jackets are lovely but i'd go with the black velvet one think it goes better with the dress (just my opinion tho lol) have fab time xxx

silentsgirl said...

I love both jackets, but going simply by how warm you'll need to be outside in the evening, I'd go with the black velvet.

~ Sue ~ said...

I have to go with the majority; the black velvet looks warm as well as classy!

Emily in NC said...

I like the black velvet one best, like longer jackets myself. It seems more appropriate. Am so excited for you and your son, congrats again on his engagement.

Shelley said...

I like the black one best. The other one has not enough color contrast to the dress. I look forward to seeing pics of the big event.

glenda said...

I vote for the black velvet!

stitchenmylifeaway said...

The black velvet. Yummy

Meari said...

I like the vintage one (on the right, I think) the best.

Judy said...

I'd wear the black velvet. It has more of a contrast to the color of your dress. Plus, I'm so partial to velvet!

Unknown said...

My opinion is for the second jacket. It ties in with the dress better. And just has a more complementary look to make it an ensemble, rather than a dress with a jacket. To me the black velvet looks like an afterthought, rather than a planned look.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

I like the contrast of the black velvet, plus it sounds like it will be warmer and you'd feel more comfortable in it. Best wishes to the happy couple!!

Anonymous said...

Hi! My daughter, Virginia, (she is 7 and loves fashion) and I really think you should wear the black velvet one. I'm not kidding, she really has a good eye for these things, I ask her all of the time.
Mary Catone

Bonnie said...

I would wear the Black Jacket
It has more flow to it. The shorter fitted jacket would be okay if it were the same fabric and color as the dress, as it is not it looks like you are uncomfortable with the dress and the way it is fitting so I will try to cover up things.
There is also too much happening with the fitted jacket and the top part of the dress. All the layers of the lapels of the collar and the layers of fabric from the draping of the neckline of the dress makes a person top heavy, unless that is the look your going for.
That is my opinion, You have choosen some lovely garments, what you have to do is pick the one which makes you feel the most comfortable and like a princess.

lynda said...

I like the darker jacket...it's a nice contrast to the dress...which looks gorgeous by the way! Congratulations to the new bride and groom!

Anonymous said...

wear both black for the outside bit then move inside and wear the other one ..lol , but if i had to chose just one go with the black :)
love mouse xx

Nancy said...

How exciting! I vote for the black velvet. It looks more night time and more New Year's Eve to me. But, they're both pretty!

Tanya Marie said...

How wonderful!! I love the dress - the gold jacket goes better and looks very festive too. The cuffs are fun!


GoldenAngelsWorks said...

The black on is my vote!!!

CyndiB. said...

I go for the black, longer jacket. Being as it is New Years Eve, I like the glitz w/o it being overpowering.


Anonymous said...

I think the black velvet jacket looks more elegant - AND, you ARE the mother of the groom!!! I hope you will post pictures of you all dressed up!! Congrats to your son and his new wife!

Lyn said...

I think the black jacket would be best. the contrast looks great.

Jackie said...

I would wear the one on the right. When I think wedding, I think elegance. Can't decide? Do both. Wear the one on the right for the cermony and the black one after the ceremony for more warmth and comfort.
Good luck

EvalinaMaria said...

Definitely the black velvet! It looks very elegant, goes very well with the dress, it is warm and it will hide whatever you want to hide.

msjan said...

I like them both but I really like the dark (velvet) one the best. Very classy

Jan R in Maryland

Karen said...

I like the dark one with the added sparkle! It seeems to tone well with the dress, I would choose that one myself. Have a great time!

Annie Bee said...

The velvet one definitely. It is a lovely contrast to the dress and it will be warmer.

Linda said...

I like the second jacket the most!

Linda in VA

Roberta said...

Hi Cyndi, I like the black velvet, nice contrast and it looks like a nice evening outfit.

Enjoy the wedding and New Years Eve.

EvalinaMaria said...

And one more thing. Do you know that this New Year's Eve we will have a blue moon? The last time it happened on that day was 20 years ago!

Anonymous said...

I'd definitely go with the black velvet. Will keep you warm, hide anything you wish to hide, and it not only looks elegant - but also very New Year's Eve. Beautiful dress you've chosen. I wish the couple all the best & congrats to you also. I have the sweetest DIL, too & feel very blessed my DS chose so well. ;D Now if I could just get my daughter to learn to choose better. lol
Barb in TX

Anonymous said...

I would go with the black jacket...it adds a lot of contrast...you'll look 'hot'... ;)
alicia in hawaii

Gabbie's Nani said...

I am agreeing with the majority, I like the black one. I just found out on Christmas that I get to wear a mother of the groom outfit in Sept. and I would wear the dress with the black jacket.

Janaina said...

Black velvet for sure! =)
Wishing your son has a great wedding!
Hugs from sunny Brazil!

Vicki's Stitching In Oz said...

I agree with "Scattered Threads". The lighter one for the ceremony for elegance, and the black velvet for afterwards, giving a good New Year's sparkle! Love both!

DUSTY said...

Both jackets are lovely. I think the shorter one complements the dress more but if you are worried about warmth than i would go for the black velvet. the dress is lovely. Have fun. i am sure whichever you decide one will be great. Congrats.

Sue said...

I vote for the black velvet! They are both beautiful, but the black velvet just seems to enhance the dress even more!

Lisa F. said...

Hi, Cindy! I'd go with the black velvet...adds some elegance to an already lovely dress. Congrats on the wedding...I hope I'm lucky enough to get a DIL I love!

Marsha said...

I like the vintage jacket. Maybe not as warm but it shows off the dress better. Can you wear the warm one outside for the ceremony and the other inside for the reception?

Jan said...

Do the classic black velvet and enjoy being at such a wonderful wedding!

Mel said...

I love the second jacket. But they are all lovely.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the vintage one if you won't freeze to death in it. Take a shawl to throw around your shoulders. It is so gorgeous. Can't wait to see pictures!

Unknown said...

Black Velvet one for sure. It sets off the color of the dress better than the other one and it will keep you warmer outside.

Anonymous said...

Cyndi, if you're like me, whatever you decide today, you'll change your mind the night of the wedding (plus a hundred times in between!). If it's cold that night.........then I'd say the heavier jacket though. Let us know what you leave your house with!


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