I have not done any Christmas shopping at all! Usually I'm at least half way finished by now. I'd better get cracking! The way these days are flying by, it will be Christmas morning any minute now! One of the yahoo stitching groups I belong to had an Advent Exchange this year. We gave our assigned partner little goodies to open one each day until Christmas. I received my goodies from Lisa Feltman from the Chatty Stitchers Exchange. It's so much fun to open something everyday. This is my tiny kitchen tree where I put my gifts around it.
Thanks Lisa!Also when I was in Solvang last month, I bought this adorable little glass Christmas tree. Each branch has a little glass ornament hanging on it.
I'm going to put it in my Christmas village as soon as I can put it all up.
Ok off to work, it's a rainy day here so the roads are going to be slippery so I'm going early. We don't get much much rain here in these parts so any kind of weather besides sun is exciting!
Your tree and exchange gifts look lovely and I love the glass tree! I'm with you - not enough time and more to do!
Looks like lots of great goodies! Your glass tree is pretty.
Wow, what wonderful goodies so far! LoVE the glass tree, it is beautiful!
That is a neat little glass tree. :) Lots of nice Advent gifts, too.
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